Monday, July 13, 2015

Thoughts of the Day from Mickey 7/13/2015

In the last couple of days I have had a few folks communicating with me about their desire to pull their children from Scouting or at least this local Scout council because they feel their children are unsafe. I am filled with a tremendous amount of sadness to hear folks say this. The program was for me as a youth and should be for all children, a program where above all else they should be safe and where they will be learn skills and values and be introduced to things that may become future career passions. My heart breaks to hear this, as I have always believed in the aims, means and core values of Scouting, I still do even through my unfair, sudden and unwarranted dismissal from Scouting. I am not sure what to say to those who have told me how they worry about their childrens safety in Scouting. It is beyond me to think that would ever be a concern.

I don't blame or harbor any ill feelings for the program on a whole or even locally. I feel that this is bullying by the few. I have no ill feelings for that few but I feel sympathy that they themselves have not obviously embraced the core values of Scouting as I always have.

I say this every time, thank you for your show of support for me. More important thank you from my family as we have been going through this together.

I am Mickey Profera, these are my thoughts today.
Go out there today and do something for others. As the Scout Slogan says, "do a good deed dailly". Do for others without expecting anything in return. Do it without causing any atrention to yourself as you do it. Do somethimg good for someone without that person even knowing you did it for them. Do it only because it feels good to do things for others. " other people at all times...will endevour so far as my power lies to be unselfish to the service and devotion to the welfare if willingly and unselfishly shoulder the burdens of others...through a life of LEADERSHIP AND SERVICE..."


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