Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Mickey and the Profera Family's History in Scouting

(Originally Posted July 6, 2015)

Day 11 of my exhile from membership of the organization that helped to create my identity.
I am of a family of Scouters. Growing up i was a third generation Scouter.
1952: Tony Zinnanti, affectionately called Uncle Tony (god rest his soul) agreed to take over as Scoutmaster of his son's troop, Troop 44, untill they could find a suitable replacement. He was replaced 20 years later and remained a registered Scouter till the day he went to sit at the final campfire at the end of the trail when he was in his 90s. He waa a Silver Beaver recipient and trained Wood Badger who took gis troop to a couple of national jamborees and Philmont Scout Ranch.
1957: Uncle Tony recruits the son of his best friend/first cousin, my Dad,Michael L Profera Sr., Dad came very close to earning Eagle Scout. None the less he continued on as an adult leader and replaced Uncle Tony in 1972. He is Wood Badge trained, a Silver Beaver recipient and a Vigil Member of the Order of the Arrow. He was the Scoutmaster of Troop 44 until 1997 and still remains aa a registered Scouter.
1973: I was born. There are folks who are in their 50s who can honestly tell the story of changing my diapers as an infant at troop meetings. As an infant my father carried me arround the Trails of the local Scout Camp, Camp Tri Mount. I was the troop mascott for years.
1984: I became an official Boy Scout. Over my youth years I earned the Rank of Eagle Scout, Vigil Honors in the Order of the Arrow and was on Camp Staff. I continued on in my adult years as an Explorer Post Advisor, Venture Crew Associate Advisor, and Assistant Scoutmaster in what ever town I lived in as i moved around and went to college in my 20sI Also continued on
Summer camp staff until nearly 30 (12 full time summer and 1 part time summer).
1985: I recriuted my best friend and someone I have always held in my heart as a brother, Paul Wayne Benjamin. We grew up in Scouting.
1988: My brother Peter Profera becomes a Boy Scout. Over his youth years he becomes an Eagle Scout and Vigil Member in the Order of the Arrow. He also worked on summer camp staff during his youth and into his adult years (12 years total). He was a youth in my Explorer Post where he met his future wife, Catherine Watzka Profera, the daughter of my associate Explorer Post advisor. She also worked as a staff member at summer camp. He and his wife later became Venture Crew Advisors.
1997: I met my wife Christine DeMarco Profera, who earned her Gold Scout in the Girl Scouts. Her sisters were Girl Scouts and her mom a life time member. My wife even worked for the local Scout council and part time camp staff member.
2007: My son and apple of my eye Michael III came into this world and only a few hours old we took pictures of him with a Cub hat and neckerchief over the blanket he waa swaddled in.
2013: My son became a Cub Scout, 4th generation Scouter.
My brother and his wife are Girl Scout Leaders with their Girl Scout daughter and Den leaders with their Cub Scout son.
I am of a Scouting family carrying the torch and light of Scouting for 63 years.
Then without warning or previous converation ir written communication I recieved a letter that I am out of scouting for allegedly being "negative and antagonistic" (for speaking my mind and wanting to see things done the right way and pointing out things that could and should improve). I broke NO criminal laws. I broke NO BSA youth protection rules. I broke No BSA safe guide to Scouting rules.
I am Mickey Profera and this is my story.
If you want we are still accepting letters of support for my apeal to the national headquarters; send to freemickeyprofera@gmail.com or christineprofera@gmail.com.
Also there is petition on the freemickey Facebook page along with additional writings and information about all of this.
I want to thank those who have been there for me and provided me with so much support and love. Thank you is not enough.
I want to thank those who have joined the ‪#‎freemickey‬ movement with your #freemickey selfie posts to the Freemickey Facebook posts.
If i get reinstated we will have a huge gathering of friendship and fellowship.

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