Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Thoughts of the day from Mickey 7/14/2015

If you look at a traditional Scout Fleur de lis, the First Class Scout version you will see two stars on that emblem. They are not only on that badge but on theinternational Scouting emblem.
Those two stars and their meaning are often the least talked about features of the emblem. They represent the ideas of TRUTH and KNOWLEDGE.
TRUTH in my opinion, should be a point of the Scout law. It is a pinnacle of the core values of the program. When folks think of Scouts, they see them as Truthfull indivuduals. Many in charge of organizations, businesses, ect respect those who exercise candor and wear their hearts on our sleeves. Yet many in charge do not ever want to see or hear the truth. They get angry to hear the truth and punish those who speak it.
Knowledge, the pursuit and quest for knowledge, truthfull knowledge is what many of us thirst for in this society. Knowledge is and can be power, but it can be manipulated to establish and maintain control. Control over individuals, or groups. Those who control knowledge for their owns ends and hide truthfull knowledge to maintain authority often punish those who seek expose truthfull knowledge.
Was I dismissed from Scouting because I was a part of a group who wanted truthfull knowledge to be shared? Was my dismissal from Scouting to serve as a cautionary lesson to my circle of friends to not speak out or else? Was I a victim because I stand with a group of wistleblowers in Scouting who pursued the the ideals behind the two stars on the Scout Fleur de lis? Have others who were involved in Scouting suffered simmular or the same fate as me for speaking out? I am not accusing anyone, just questioning. If so, I hold no feelings of hate or malice in my heart for those who would do this to me. I would ask no one to have any ill feelings for them. I feel and would ask you all to feel sympathy for them as they may be lost and may have not yet found the signifigance and the true meaning in the stars.
I am Mickey and these are my thoughts if the day:
Speaking the truth is what has always worked for me. Telling lies only works for as long as you can remember the details of that lie. I am not a good liar, never have been, so it has never been my practice. I get in far less trouble that way. To quote an honor code followed by another organization I belong to: "I will not lie, cheat, steal or commit any act of intentional dishonesty, OR TOLERATE THOSE WHO DO."
I take my leave of you today in the words that have granted me passage to sit and feel the warmth before countless council fires amongst many of my brothers who serve others in a chearful manner, "love one another".

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