Tuesday, July 14, 2015

From Mickey

(Originally Posted on July 4th 2015)

There was a story of a young boy.
The boy was not a very popular boy. He wasn’t athletic. He wasn’t the best looking kid. He had a family who struggled financially so the boy never had expensive $100 sneakers or stylish clothes. He was often bullied. He sometimes struggled academically, however it was not aptitude rather it was effort. He had what most youth workers these days would describe as "risk factors" present in his life.
Despite all of this, the boy was a Boy Scout. In Scouting he wore the same uniform as everyone else. $100 sneakers and stylish clothes did not matter. In Scouting had the opportunity to make friends, learn skills, leadership, teamwork, and most importantly the core values of that organization. As he grew up in the program and he learned about the importance of community service and duty to God and Country. Things were still a struggle in his life, but he had Scouting.
Then at age of 16, while on staff for the first time at a Scout camp, he experienced the most intense exercise in leadership and teamwork thus far in his life. He also discovered the passion of teaching and more important; a work ethic, confidence, sense of competence, self-reliance, and the quest and thirst to be more than he was.
He returned home from the summer and back to school where went from being a C+ student to A+ student. He never became the most popular guy in school but he suddenly realized he didn’t need to. He also realized it was not the stylish clothes that dettermined who you are its how you walk, talk and carry yourself. He had learned one of the most important lessons in life.
He had also greatly benefited from a few very special teachers and several adult Scout leaders in his life. When he became an adult he realized the impact that others had on him and decided that would be his mission. It was a mission to work with others, “...to help others at all times..” , “...to endeavor so far as his power lies to be unselfish to the devotion of the service and welfare of others...”, “.
.to unselfishly and willingly shoulder the burdens of others...”, and “...to live a life of leadership and service...”.
He coveted those ideals, and they became sacred to him. He always worked on this mission with the understanding that it was something he would never ditectly benefit from or ever even see. It was a work of…faith…ofblind optimism...and the idea of sowing seeds through his work that may take root and if they did they may someday grow and bear fruit…fruit that others may benefit from. It was a way for him to pay forward all that he had recieved as a youth. Without the time given to him, he may never have grown up to be who he was.
During his younger years as a Scout he earned a few awards and achievements that some would see as prestigious. Sometimes he felt embarrassed when he was called out from his peers and recognized. There were after all other folks who had worked as hard as he had. They were also deserving of praise or awards.He never felt his contributions were anymore than anyone else. He was just a small part of it all.
As a Scouter he attended some really cool trainings, had the opportunity to have some wonderful experiences. He met, worked with, was billeted with, and shared meals with Scouts from around the world. He met Scouts of many different faiths, talked with them, listened to them as they shared their customs and and beliefs. He even observed some of their practices of worship. He learned of the world beyond his town and how dropping one small stone in a huge lake could cause a ripple across the whole body of water. After all of this as a man he decided to spend his life giving back, and serving others.
Then after many years he became his son's leader. The pride a dad feels seeing his own little boy set on the path to possibly follow in his foot steps through Scouting. The thought that his son would discover and learn all he had, made his chest swell with pride and brought an occasional tear of joy to his eye. None of what he had been awared or accomplished as a Scout mattered any longer, it was his little Scout who mattered. All that he accomplished was nothing next to the Scouting experiences he would share with his son.
Then the once boy turned man began to speak out about things that he felt could or should improve, not for his benefit, but the benefit of his son and his son's peers and for all of the youth in the area. For his out spokeness, for speaking out about what he thought was right, he was punished and asked to leave Scouting.
It makes me sad to think of all of this. I don’t feel angry at those who decided they wanted to silence him, I feel pity because they may not have ever benefited themselves as the boy once did and may not see the need to help others as he does.
I am Mickey and...this is my story.

1 comment:

  1. dongtam
    game mu
    nhac san cuc manh
    tư vấn luật
    dịch vụ thành lập công ty trọn gói
    văn phòng luật
    tổng đài tư vấn pháp luật
    thành lập công ty
    chém gió
    trung tâm ngoại ngữ

    - Chủ nhân, ngươi đánh chết một Địa ma hậu kỳ, là do thi triển thần thông lực lượng sao?

    Lang Lễ cùng mọi người nhìn thấy Nhạc Thành thi triển thần thông, Địa tiên sơ kỳ tru sát Địa ma hậu kỳ, điều này làm cho đám người Lang Lễ kinh ngạc không thôi.

    - Ân, xem như vậy đi.

    Nhạc Thành nói, nhưng thần thông này Nhạc Thành về sau cũng không dám tùy tiện sử dụng, uy lực mặc dù thật lớn, nhưng tiêu hao còn ăn không tiêu.

    Đối với thần thông này, Nhạc Thành cũng kinh ngạc, từ khi đột phá Địa tiên, chính trong đầu mình có thần thông này, giống như là tự nhiên khắc vào trong đầu vậy.

    Đột phá tới Địa tiên cảnh giới, trong đầu Nhạc Thành cũng có thể hiểu được một ít tồn tại, ở Huyền Thiên nội địa tu luyện, Nhạc Thành đều là nước chảy thành sông tu luyện bình thường, căn bản không cần hiểu đạo pháp.
