Thursday, August 6, 2015

Message from Mickey 8/6/2015

Greetings family, friends, supporters, and those who have been following and reading in the last 43 days,

As per the boilerplate form letter I received on July 24, 2015, I was given 60 days to send the National B.S.A Headquarters a request to review the decision of my dismissal. Yesterday that request was mailed overnight delivery and should arrive by this afternoon.

My request included;
ü  A letter explaining my request for reinstatement
ü  Letters from many requesting my reinstatement and speaking to my character and or performance as a Scout, Scout leader and the citizen I am in my community. 
ü  A petition in support of my reinstatement with over thee hundred names THANK YOU to all that have signed it thus far!
ü  My professional work experience over the last 23 years most of which as a youth worker
ü  Training and professional credentials
ü  A Scouting history of my youth and adult years as well as trainings
ü  A copy of my Eagle Scout Certificate, Vigil Certificate, Scout Leader Training Award, and Distinguished Camp Tri-Mount Award. (If they gave out a certificate rather than a plaque for District Award of Merit that would have been included, however it was listed on in my Scouting history)
ü  Lots of photos of me as a Pack and Den Leader, involvement at various Scouting events, involvement in Venture Crew 405 (one of my favorite units to be a part off), my family in Scouting, my “father and son” Scouting moments, and many more photos.
ü  A list of the many other volunteer community activities I have been or am still involved including some pictures.
ü  A DVD copy of the FreeMickey Documentary
ü  And many other documents supporting my case for reinstatement

I want to take this time to formally thank;
Ø  The folks who have thus far sent me letters of support and requests for my reinstatement
Ø  The folks who thus far signed the petition
Ø  Those who have reached out to me in an effort to provide assistance and support through phone calls, text messages, e-mails or Facebook messages, face to face conversations to talk about things or simply ask how I am doing.
Ø  The Naked Crusaders and the time they spent on the production of their FreeMickey documentary
Ø  Members of my extended “Scouting Family” who have been there for me in so many ways and have shown me that there is a “Brotherhood within Scouting” and it runs deep and strong.
Ø  My brother Paul Benjamin, my life long confidante and best friend
Ø  My brother Pete who has been there with me standing with me shoulder to shoulder Love ya Bro! and his wife, my sister in-law Catherine
Ø  My in-laws and extended family members in their support
Ø  My wife Christine who has been my rock in all of this and more than that one of the coordinators of the movement, my secretary, my biggest supporter, my everything. I love you honey! 
Ø  Last but certainly not least my greatest motivation for fighting this injustice and not just walking away, the one person who brought me back into Scouting after a not so active period of time, the apple of my eye and source of pride, my son Michael. You never cease to amaze me with everything you do and your love.  I strive to live my life to be a person of honor and conviction and someone who you can be proud of. I continually try to live my life and “lead by example” so that you may one day grow up to not only follow in my footsteps but become better, do more, and go further in life than I ever did.  I am trying to do my best to teach you through my life the person who you should be and more important how to deal with the adversities that life brings. Love you buddy!

Hopefully haven’t left anyone out

My struggle is not over as the folks at the National BSA Headquarters will be reviewing my letter and materials. Their decision as per the form letter could be soon or could take months.

In the meantime if you still want to write letters I will send them to National. If you haven't yet signed the petition and chose to do so it is not shut down yet. As the petition hits new goals I will also send the lists of names to National.


Love One Another and Leave things better than you found them,

Michael “Mickey” Profera Jr.


 Perhaps we will meet again on the trail. 

                                              Me and my son when he was  only 3 hours old. Just couldn’t resist posting. He was such a little peanut and already Daddy's little Scouter.    

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Things have been a little quiet lately since Mickey took his son to Camp Alpine last week for summer camp. Now that he is back, he is putting the final touches on his appeal packet and sending it to National BSA. We will have updates as they become available as well as any requests that the Profera Family may need.

Thank you for your support

#FreeMickey Staff

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Thoughts of the Day from Mickey 7/16/15

A very important requirement for each Scout rank is to display  "Scout Spirit".  The notion of having or displaying Scout Spirit has always been a bit of a quandry for me. Unlike the concrete requirements of a merit badged, required skills for ranks or any other achievements, Scout Spirit is, well...very subjective. It is not not a measurable construct or something you work up to that can be measured with some sort meter. "You almost have enough Scout Spirit, three more units left and the needle will register that you have achieved it".

Some leaders at Scoutmaster conferences and boards of review try to pigeon hole it to specifics such as; wearing a full uniform to meetings, regular attedence at meetings and events, showing up to Scout unit community service projects,  and the list goes on. Still I have never read any real literature that explains it and the requirements to achieve it.

The best explainations I have ever heard were from a few wise and sage old Scout Leaders over a cup of coffee around the campfire.  Scouting Spirit is striving to live up to the core values of Scouting (as recited in the Scout Oath, Law, Motto and Slogan). Doing so the individual attempts to achieve this both in and out of a uniform. It's doing the right thing even when no one is looking. It's realizing that if you have to look around to see who is looking before you do something, it may not be the right thing to do.

Often Scouting Spirit is about seeing multiple sides to an issue. It is about realizing multiple ways to deal with things and having what I have heard refferred to as a "little Boy Scout injinuity". Scouting is a program that helps create problem solvers and open minded individuals.

Part of that open mindedness is dealing with criticism both constructive or otherwise. In Scouring one learns how to utilize different perspectives or points of view to accomplish tasks.  In leadership trainings I have attended, it has been encouraged that leaders listen to all points of view even if they are not popular and conflict with your own ideas and agendas. It is through listening to critism and different opinions that often produces the best results.

It is easy to only want to only hear your own opinions, plans and agendas and want to only surround yourself by those who only see things as you do. It is easy to push away anyone else who has ideas contrary to your own. The real challange is to work with folks who have different opinions.

Is Scouting not about shaping and molding individuals to be the future good citizens, workers, proffessionals and leaders? Aren't the most effective leaders those who embrace everyones opinion even when thet are not popular to their own?

It is possible that the individual(s) who dismissed me from Scouting have not yet themselves realized the full potential and benefits of the deeper meaning of Scout Spirit. I do not have ill will nor should anyone with the indivudual(s) who decided that my opinons, concerns, and views ran so contrary to their own that they felt that I should be suddenly without warning unjustly dismissed from Scouting, just to...silence me. Again feel no ill will because it is possible that they did not benifit from the sage old and wise words spoken around council fires or if they did they have simply forgotten. They may simply have lost their way from the path of Scouting Spirit.

I am Mickey and these are my thoughts for the day.

Listen to each other and embrace each others ideas even if they differ from your own. We live in a society that has become polarized by many social and political issues. Its easy to have happen as we can be influenced by the media and news affiliates and Social Media. Take the time to pick up the phone and have a real conversations. Spend time face to face talking and at least hearing each others point of view. You dont have to convert each other but at least try understand each other. Would there not be more peace in the world if we all practiced this?

Remember to do good things for others.

"May the Great Scoutmaster of all Scouts be with us all until we meet again, good day Scouts"


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Thoughts of the Day from Mickey 7/15/15

The shape of the Scout insignia, the fleur de lis, is a representation of a flower, a lilly or iris.

Every new young Boy Scout is taught as a part of earning his first rank the greater signifigance of the fleur de lis. It is shaped like an old ornate compass needle that was used to help ancient mariners to navigate their way through the oceans seas. 

The top of the Scout emblem is a compass point that is not to lead a Scout or Scouter through the woods while hiking and backpacking. Rather the Scout insignia is to be used for Scouts and Scouters to assist in guiding them through the vast, uncertain,  and rugged  terrain of the wildernesd known as life.

The compass point of the Scouting emblem it is to help Scouts and Scouters to navigate their way through making decisions in their lives that lead them on the path to being healthy and productive members  of society. Folks who will some day find themselves at the end of that path to be seated at the final campfire and sit before the Scoutmaster of all Scouts. If they stayed the course they would be deserving of their final badge that is in likeness of the trail sign,  a circle with a dot in the center.  That  same trail sign embossed on the headstone of the founder of Scouting's final resting place means, "I have gone home".

As someone dissmissed from Scouting in an injust and sudden way, my heart weeps for the individual or few individuals who have decided my untimely and  unfair fate as a Scouter. I feel no hate or malice. Instead my heart weeps for them as it may be possible that somewhere in life they may have lost their way by misplacing their compass.

I am Mickey and these are my thoughts for the day:

It easy to find yourself lost in life. Often it is through our actions of helping, guiding and being there for others to find their way,  that we find our own. Be a mentor to others. This does not need to be a formal process and often all it takes is to lead others by the example by your own actions.

I will take my leave of you today with a couple of quotes from Robert Stephenson Symth Baden-Powell, founder of Scouting:

"The real way to happiness is to give it to others"

"In Scouting you are combatting the brooding of selfishness"


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

From Mickey

(Originally Posted on July 4th 2015)

There was a story of a young boy.
The boy was not a very popular boy. He wasn’t athletic. He wasn’t the best looking kid. He had a family who struggled financially so the boy never had expensive $100 sneakers or stylish clothes. He was often bullied. He sometimes struggled academically, however it was not aptitude rather it was effort. He had what most youth workers these days would describe as "risk factors" present in his life.
Despite all of this, the boy was a Boy Scout. In Scouting he wore the same uniform as everyone else. $100 sneakers and stylish clothes did not matter. In Scouting had the opportunity to make friends, learn skills, leadership, teamwork, and most importantly the core values of that organization. As he grew up in the program and he learned about the importance of community service and duty to God and Country. Things were still a struggle in his life, but he had Scouting.
Then at age of 16, while on staff for the first time at a Scout camp, he experienced the most intense exercise in leadership and teamwork thus far in his life. He also discovered the passion of teaching and more important; a work ethic, confidence, sense of competence, self-reliance, and the quest and thirst to be more than he was.
He returned home from the summer and back to school where went from being a C+ student to A+ student. He never became the most popular guy in school but he suddenly realized he didn’t need to. He also realized it was not the stylish clothes that dettermined who you are its how you walk, talk and carry yourself. He had learned one of the most important lessons in life.
He had also greatly benefited from a few very special teachers and several adult Scout leaders in his life. When he became an adult he realized the impact that others had on him and decided that would be his mission. It was a mission to work with others, “ help others at all times..” , “ endeavor so far as his power lies to be unselfish to the devotion of the service and welfare of others...”, “.
.to unselfishly and willingly shoulder the burdens of others...”, and “ live a life of leadership and service...”.
He coveted those ideals, and they became sacred to him. He always worked on this mission with the understanding that it was something he would never ditectly benefit from or ever even see. It was a work of…faith…ofblind optimism...and the idea of sowing seeds through his work that may take root and if they did they may someday grow and bear fruit…fruit that others may benefit from. It was a way for him to pay forward all that he had recieved as a youth. Without the time given to him, he may never have grown up to be who he was.
During his younger years as a Scout he earned a few awards and achievements that some would see as prestigious. Sometimes he felt embarrassed when he was called out from his peers and recognized. There were after all other folks who had worked as hard as he had. They were also deserving of praise or awards.He never felt his contributions were anymore than anyone else. He was just a small part of it all.
As a Scouter he attended some really cool trainings, had the opportunity to have some wonderful experiences. He met, worked with, was billeted with, and shared meals with Scouts from around the world. He met Scouts of many different faiths, talked with them, listened to them as they shared their customs and and beliefs. He even observed some of their practices of worship. He learned of the world beyond his town and how dropping one small stone in a huge lake could cause a ripple across the whole body of water. After all of this as a man he decided to spend his life giving back, and serving others.
Then after many years he became his son's leader. The pride a dad feels seeing his own little boy set on the path to possibly follow in his foot steps through Scouting. The thought that his son would discover and learn all he had, made his chest swell with pride and brought an occasional tear of joy to his eye. None of what he had been awared or accomplished as a Scout mattered any longer, it was his little Scout who mattered. All that he accomplished was nothing next to the Scouting experiences he would share with his son.
Then the once boy turned man began to speak out about things that he felt could or should improve, not for his benefit, but the benefit of his son and his son's peers and for all of the youth in the area. For his out spokeness, for speaking out about what he thought was right, he was punished and asked to leave Scouting.
It makes me sad to think of all of this. I don’t feel angry at those who decided they wanted to silence him, I feel pity because they may not have ever benefited themselves as the boy once did and may not see the need to help others as he does.
I am Mickey and...this is my story.

Mickey and the Profera Family's History in Scouting

(Originally Posted July 6, 2015)

Day 11 of my exhile from membership of the organization that helped to create my identity.
I am of a family of Scouters. Growing up i was a third generation Scouter.
1952: Tony Zinnanti, affectionately called Uncle Tony (god rest his soul) agreed to take over as Scoutmaster of his son's troop, Troop 44, untill they could find a suitable replacement. He was replaced 20 years later and remained a registered Scouter till the day he went to sit at the final campfire at the end of the trail when he was in his 90s. He waa a Silver Beaver recipient and trained Wood Badger who took gis troop to a couple of national jamborees and Philmont Scout Ranch.
1957: Uncle Tony recruits the son of his best friend/first cousin, my Dad,Michael L Profera Sr., Dad came very close to earning Eagle Scout. None the less he continued on as an adult leader and replaced Uncle Tony in 1972. He is Wood Badge trained, a Silver Beaver recipient and a Vigil Member of the Order of the Arrow. He was the Scoutmaster of Troop 44 until 1997 and still remains aa a registered Scouter.
1973: I was born. There are folks who are in their 50s who can honestly tell the story of changing my diapers as an infant at troop meetings. As an infant my father carried me arround the Trails of the local Scout Camp, Camp Tri Mount. I was the troop mascott for years.
1984: I became an official Boy Scout. Over my youth years I earned the Rank of Eagle Scout, Vigil Honors in the Order of the Arrow and was on Camp Staff. I continued on in my adult years as an Explorer Post Advisor, Venture Crew Associate Advisor, and Assistant Scoutmaster in what ever town I lived in as i moved around and went to college in my 20sI Also continued on
Summer camp staff until nearly 30 (12 full time summer and 1 part time summer).
1985: I recriuted my best friend and someone I have always held in my heart as a brother, Paul Wayne Benjamin. We grew up in Scouting.
1988: My brother Peter Profera becomes a Boy Scout. Over his youth years he becomes an Eagle Scout and Vigil Member in the Order of the Arrow. He also worked on summer camp staff during his youth and into his adult years (12 years total). He was a youth in my Explorer Post where he met his future wife, Catherine Watzka Profera, the daughter of my associate Explorer Post advisor. She also worked as a staff member at summer camp. He and his wife later became Venture Crew Advisors.
1997: I met my wife Christine DeMarco Profera, who earned her Gold Scout in the Girl Scouts. Her sisters were Girl Scouts and her mom a life time member. My wife even worked for the local Scout council and part time camp staff member.
2007: My son and apple of my eye Michael III came into this world and only a few hours old we took pictures of him with a Cub hat and neckerchief over the blanket he waa swaddled in.
2013: My son became a Cub Scout, 4th generation Scouter.
My brother and his wife are Girl Scout Leaders with their Girl Scout daughter and Den leaders with their Cub Scout son.
I am of a Scouting family carrying the torch and light of Scouting for 63 years.
Then without warning or previous converation ir written communication I recieved a letter that I am out of scouting for allegedly being "negative and antagonistic" (for speaking my mind and wanting to see things done the right way and pointing out things that could and should improve). I broke NO criminal laws. I broke NO BSA youth protection rules. I broke No BSA safe guide to Scouting rules.
I am Mickey Profera and this is my story.
If you want we are still accepting letters of support for my apeal to the national headquarters; send to or
Also there is petition on the freemickey Facebook page along with additional writings and information about all of this.
I want to thank those who have been there for me and provided me with so much support and love. Thank you is not enough.
I want to thank those who have joined the ‪#‎freemickey‬ movement with your #freemickey selfie posts to the Freemickey Facebook posts.
If i get reinstated we will have a huge gathering of friendship and fellowship.

Thoughts of the day from Mickey 7/14/2015

If you look at a traditional Scout Fleur de lis, the First Class Scout version you will see two stars on that emblem. They are not only on that badge but on theinternational Scouting emblem.
Those two stars and their meaning are often the least talked about features of the emblem. They represent the ideas of TRUTH and KNOWLEDGE.
TRUTH in my opinion, should be a point of the Scout law. It is a pinnacle of the core values of the program. When folks think of Scouts, they see them as Truthfull indivuduals. Many in charge of organizations, businesses, ect respect those who exercise candor and wear their hearts on our sleeves. Yet many in charge do not ever want to see or hear the truth. They get angry to hear the truth and punish those who speak it.
Knowledge, the pursuit and quest for knowledge, truthfull knowledge is what many of us thirst for in this society. Knowledge is and can be power, but it can be manipulated to establish and maintain control. Control over individuals, or groups. Those who control knowledge for their owns ends and hide truthfull knowledge to maintain authority often punish those who seek expose truthfull knowledge.
Was I dismissed from Scouting because I was a part of a group who wanted truthfull knowledge to be shared? Was my dismissal from Scouting to serve as a cautionary lesson to my circle of friends to not speak out or else? Was I a victim because I stand with a group of wistleblowers in Scouting who pursued the the ideals behind the two stars on the Scout Fleur de lis? Have others who were involved in Scouting suffered simmular or the same fate as me for speaking out? I am not accusing anyone, just questioning. If so, I hold no feelings of hate or malice in my heart for those who would do this to me. I would ask no one to have any ill feelings for them. I feel and would ask you all to feel sympathy for them as they may be lost and may have not yet found the signifigance and the true meaning in the stars.
I am Mickey and these are my thoughts if the day:
Speaking the truth is what has always worked for me. Telling lies only works for as long as you can remember the details of that lie. I am not a good liar, never have been, so it has never been my practice. I get in far less trouble that way. To quote an honor code followed by another organization I belong to: "I will not lie, cheat, steal or commit any act of intentional dishonesty, OR TOLERATE THOSE WHO DO."
I take my leave of you today in the words that have granted me passage to sit and feel the warmth before countless council fires amongst many of my brothers who serve others in a chearful manner, "love one another".

Monday, July 13, 2015

Thoughts of the Day from Mickey 7/13/2015

In the last couple of days I have had a few folks communicating with me about their desire to pull their children from Scouting or at least this local Scout council because they feel their children are unsafe. I am filled with a tremendous amount of sadness to hear folks say this. The program was for me as a youth and should be for all children, a program where above all else they should be safe and where they will be learn skills and values and be introduced to things that may become future career passions. My heart breaks to hear this, as I have always believed in the aims, means and core values of Scouting, I still do even through my unfair, sudden and unwarranted dismissal from Scouting. I am not sure what to say to those who have told me how they worry about their childrens safety in Scouting. It is beyond me to think that would ever be a concern.

I don't blame or harbor any ill feelings for the program on a whole or even locally. I feel that this is bullying by the few. I have no ill feelings for that few but I feel sympathy that they themselves have not obviously embraced the core values of Scouting as I always have.

I say this every time, thank you for your show of support for me. More important thank you from my family as we have been going through this together.

I am Mickey Profera, these are my thoughts today.
Go out there today and do something for others. As the Scout Slogan says, "do a good deed dailly". Do for others without expecting anything in return. Do it without causing any atrention to yourself as you do it. Do somethimg good for someone without that person even knowing you did it for them. Do it only because it feels good to do things for others. " other people at all times...will endevour so far as my power lies to be unselfish to the service and devotion to the welfare if willingly and unselfishly shoulder the burdens of others...through a life of LEADERSHIP AND SERVICE..."


Sunday, July 12, 2015

Statement from the Profera Family

Dear FREE MICKEY Supporters:

Our family wanted to put out a statement so that you may succinctly hear the facts regarding how and when Mickey’s membership with the BSA was revoked by Ray Braun, Scout Executive of the Rip Van Winkle Council, on 6/25/15.

First let me say that at no time did Ray Braun or anyone else (including any volunteers) in the RVW Council address any issues either in writing or verbally to indicate that any of his behaviors leading to 6/25/15 were so unacceptable that if he was to continue  it would result in his revocation from the Boy Scouts. At no point from June 10, 2015 to June 25, 2015 was he ever told to cease and desist from any and all Scouting activities due to his in their words “behavior at the Program Launch”.  Rather, without any communication at all he was abruptly and suddenly removed from Scouting.

On 6/10/15, Mickey attended the RVW Council Program Launch, where this supposed “behavior” occurred.

  • Mickey was taking some pictures of the event in the direction of Paul Van der Kruik, Mohican District Executive.  Paul had his daughter with him at the table.  Paul then pointed his finger at Mickey and in an accusing tone told him that he didn’t want any pictures of his daughter on his phone. Paul then proceeded to go to Ray Braun, and Ray asked Mickey if they could go outside for a “chat.”

  • Ray, Paul, and Heath Tong (Council President) led him outside the building and demanded his personal cell phone.  Ray accused Mickey of having a picture of Paul and his daughter on his phone.  He never asked him if he had a picture.

  • Mickey refused to hand over his cell phone without a warrant as it is personal property.  Mickey said that if they thought he did something wrong then they should call law enforcement to have him arrested.  Ray pretended to call the police and while he was “calling” Mickey assured them that there were no pictures to find even with a warrant.

  • Then, Ray finally ASKED Mickey if he had pictures of Paul’s daughter on his phone.  Mickey turned on his phone to his photo gallery and offered to show them that there.  Ray refused this offer.

  • Mickey asked if they were done talking to him.  Ray indicated that yes they were done.  Mickey told Paul and Ray in a professional way to “have a nice day.”  Heath Tong asked if they needed to pursue this any longer.  Mickey told him to have a nice day too.

  • Mickey went back into the room where the Program Launch was still going on, told his brother, Peter, they needed to leave, and they headed for the door.

  • On the way out the door Ray asked them if everything was good with them.  Mickey said, “This Council is right as rain and just wonderful.”  Then, Mickey and Peter proceeded to the parking lot and drove back to Catskill to Peter’s house.

  • According to other eye witnesses, Paul was still at the Program Launch long after Mickey and Peter had already driven away.

On 6/11/15, the evening after the Program Launch, I received a call at home from Deputy McGuire from the Ulster County Sheriff’s Office.  Apparently, Ray and Paul had gone to the Sheriff’s Office that day to file a police report against Mickey.  This is which is blatantly silly because they could have called the police the night before if there were any real concerns.

  • Mickey spoke to Deputy McGuire that night on the phone for approximately one hour.  He offered four times to drive to Kingston to talk to him in person.  The Deputy declined this offer.

  • Deputy McGuire talked to Mickey but said he was unable to tell him what the other parties had said regarding the “incident” at the Program Launch.  Mickey asked a number of questions and indicated that he wanted to file a complaint to refute whatever they were saying.  The Deputy said he would just include that in the one report.

  • Mickey was told that this was basically a complaint report where the police take statements of the parties.  The Deputy told Mickey that the report should be available for him to FOIL request by the next week.

  • We were never contacted again by anyone from the Sheriff’s Office or the RVW Council at this point in time.

On 6/25/15, Mickey relayed to me that Ray Braun had texted and emailed him to see if he would be willing to meet him at the Dunkin Donuts in Cairo at 5pm to “talk and put the past in the past.” Mickey declined this offer and went fishing after work.

A little while later, there was a knock at the door and it was Ray Braun.  He asked if Mickey was home and I said no.  He handed me an envelope and asked me if I could give it to him.  I said yes and called Mickey after I read the letter.  Inside the envelope there was also a check from RVW Council for what appears to be the pro-rated balance of Mickey’s adult leadership registration fee.  I did notice that Mr. Henry Frick, Council Board member and Cairo Town Police officer was with Ray in my drive way.  Ironically, Ray once again brought a witness for whatever events he thought would transpire.

What I proceeded to read was the revocation letter of Mickey’s BSA membership stating that he had a “negative and antagonizing attitude” and mentioned “his behavior at the Program Launch on 6/10…”  The letter was vague at best and basically said that 1) Mickey could no longer be an adult leader (he is the Den Leader for our 7 year old son, Michael); 2) He could attend Scout events as our son’s parent as long as it didn’t require being a registered member of the BSA; and 3) He was no longer allowed to wear the BSA uniform or represent the RVW Council or the BSA in any way.

Of course, as I was reading this letter to Mickey over the phone, our 7 year old son, Michael began to cry as he could not understand why they would not let his Daddy be his Cub Scout Den Leader anymore.  He cried himself to sleep that night and we don’t think he really fully understands the consequences of Ray’s actions and decision.  We made a decision as parents to not let him go to Camp Tri-Mount in August for Cub Scout Camp as there is no guarantee that he would be emotionally or physically safe there under the circumstances.  He will be going to another camp for an entire week with another group of Cub Scouts where we are sure that he will be safe as he will be with family including his Daddy.

Interestingly enough, the Committee Chairwoman of our Pack (42 in Greenville) neglected to invite me (or Mickey) to a parent meeting of Den 3 on 6/26/15.  One of the parents of a Cub Scout in the Den informed me that there was a meeting and I contacted the Chairwoman who told me they weren’t excluding us but trying to “protect Michael III.”  I was told that I could attend the meeting, so I did.

At the meeting, there were leaders of Pack 42, the Committee Chairwoman, the Chartered Representative from the American Legion (Chairwoman’s husband), our Den Chief from Troop 42, the parents of the Cub Scouts in Den 3 (Mickey’s Bear Den), and Jonathan Whitaker, District Executive of the Algonquin District for the RVW Council.  The meeting had been called to tell parents and the leaders that Mickey would no longer be the Den Leader.  They said the reasons were confidential and they had not been told why nor would they be privy to that information.  I made it clear that I had shared the revocation letter from Ray with all of the parents in the Den.  Mr. Whitaker was asked by a number of the parents what the process is to make a decision as extreme as revoking a volunteer’s membership.  He tried to summarize the process as Scout Executive, Council Board, Northeast Region BSA, and then National BSA.  According to Nate Marshall at National, the process goes right from the Council to National.  There is no intermediary and honestly I don’t think he really knew the answer.  I also find it rather unprofessional and suspicious that Mr. Whitaker showed up in his street clothes rather than his BSA uniform as he was supposed to be representing the Council.  We were told that Mr. Paul Van der Kruik couldn’t be there as the Mohican District Executive because he was busy fulfilling his second title up at Tri-Mount as Camp Director.  I believe that they did not send him because he was directly involved in filing the incident report against Mickey, which we later found out had false and factually untrue statements.
Needless to say, the parents of children who were signed up to go to Camp Tri-Mount in August with Mickey were very apprehensive to send their kids without him.  I also made it clear that as a couple we had decided not to send Michael to camp.  I also mentioned that I had sent the revocation letter to the parents for their information and to ask for their support as we had never received anything but glowing comments about Mickey being the Den Leader.  I told everyone present that I would be willing to stay after to answer any questions privately.  When I stepped outside, all of the parents congregated with me and I relayed the story of what happened at the Program Launch and how Ray had delivered the letter with no explanations or due process.  The parents were outraged and since then a number of families have written support letters for Mickey’s appeal, which we greatly appreciate.

In the interim, I had written some Letters to the Editor about the situation.  I was contacted by a reporter from the Greenville Pioneer as she had received another letter from a community member regarding the injustice of Mickey’s situation.  On Saturday, 6/27, Mickey, Peter, and I met with her for two hours and told her our accounts of the Program Launch, shared the letter, and our beliefs that this is retribution for Mickey’s speaking out in the past few years.  We told her they were looking for a scapegoat and they believed they got their opportunity on the night of the Program Launch.

Please note that Mickey called the Sheriff’s Department on 6/26/15 and the request still hadn’t been signed off on by the Deputy’s Supervisor.  Finally on 7/1, I called yet again and was told that there was indeed a report number and given the contact information for Mickey to address his request for the report in writing to.  On 7/2/15, we sent a written request to the Sheriff’s Office for the report.

Since we received the revocation letter, I had contacted National BSA on a number of occasions.  They basically told me that they did not have any information to share.  Then on 7/9/15, I received a call from Mr. Nate Marshall at National BSA and he finally told me that we are not privy to the information in the file at National. He also stated that Ray wanted to meet with Mickey to discuss why he revoked Mickey’s membership.  I told Mickey about the conversation and he said in no uncertain terms that he would not meet with Ray.  I sent an email to that affect to Ray, Nate Marshall, the reporter from the Greenville Pioneer, and a few other Board members.  I also included Gary Butler from National BSA.  In the meantime, I will be FOIA’ing their membership records on Mickey.  Ray’s email response to me said that he would accept that Mickey did not want to meet and that the letter pretty much stated everything.

Mickey and a few other Scouting friends taped a Free Mickey short film with filmmaker Brandon Schoonmaker of Naked Crusaders.  It is now available on Facebook and YouTube for viewing. It was also shared with local media outlets and was emailed to videographer Lance Wheeler who often works with Channel 6, the Catskill Daily Mail, etc.

On 7/9/15, we received the requested incident report from the Ulster County Sheriff’s Office.  Basically, the report mentioned the conversations that took place at the Program Launch on 6/10.  The most noteworthy parts of the report were the blatantly fabricated circumstances and false statements made by Paul Van der Kruik.  There are witnesses from the event that can corroborate that the statements made in the report were false and completely made up by Paul.

In response to the incident report, Mickey and Peter went to the Sheriff’s Office on 7/9/15 and the deputy who took the report would not amend it to say that the statements are false.  He would also not entertain the idea of taking a separate rebuttal statement.  They were basically told that there was nothing in any of the statements provided by Ray, Paul, or others provided by RVW Council that held any validity for any criminal wrongdoing.  Basically, it is being viewed as a neighbor dispute and the Sheriff’s Office has more important things to worry about.  They will not get involved in “tit for tat reports”.  We will be FOIL requesting the other records from the case file.

On 7/3/15, I filed an ethics complaint against the RVW Council, Ray, Paul, and Heath Tong.  I added information about the false statements in the incident report as well.

The most recent updates as of this moment are:

  • We are still gathering letters of support, the petition, the Free Mickey video filmed by Bran, and Mickey’s letter of appeal.  We would like to send everything by mid-week, if possible.
  • I have not seen the Board Meeting minutes I requested from the Council last week yet.
  • The reporter we spoke to had FOIL requested the incident report but has not received it yet.  I emailed it to her on Friday.
  • We are looking into having a consultation with an attorney.

Again, thank you to everyone who is supporting Mickey and our family at this time.  The outpouring of support has been wonderful!

The #FreeMickey Documentary

The documentary is complete. Please watch is here and be sure to share it far and wide. Thank you to Brandon Schoonmaker for all of his help and talent!!!!

Friday, July 10, 2015


Welcome to the home of the Movement to get Michael Profera Jr.(Mickey) reinstated to the Boy Scouts of America after his unfair and unwarranted dismissal by the Rip Van Winkle Council. We will post information and updates here as they become available as well as the Facebook Group Free Mickey and the Facebook page Free Mickey Page

Please help Mickey and mobilize your friends and community to do the same. Sign our Online Petition located HERE

Letters of support attesting to Mickey's character for his appeal to the Boy Scouts of America can be emailed to

Watch and share the trailer of an upcoming documentary about Mickey's situation too!!

And share our hashtag with all of your actions #FreeMickey