Sunday, April 10, 2016

A Message from Mickey 4/10/16

Message from Mickey and the Profera Family

On behalf of the Profera family, I want to take this time state that at this moment in time the current generations of the Profera family have been one way or another un-ceremonially and unjustifiably driven out of Scouting. This was done by our belief with a huge amount of prejudice by those who are the paid Scouters of this council and those volunteers who have kept them in power.
  Our family had been involved in Scouting for 64 of the 106 years that the program has existed in the United States. Every one of the Profera’s in the program except for our current sons had served the community as leaders of Scout units. We were a part of an effort in an attempt to effect a positive outcome for the youth in our community’s with the focus that those youth that would become healthy and productive adult citizens in not only our local towns and villages but also our nation. We feel that we could go on about our individual Scouting resumes but feel there is no need.
Although it has brought us great sadness that our sons, the future generations of our family are not involved in Scouting we are also ok with the idea that they will not be a part of what has become a very toxic environment that has been created in our local Scout council. An environment of greed, corruption and underhanded politics has overshadowed the true mission of the Scouting program. We are confident that our sons will benefit from their fathers deeply seated values of the character development that Scouting had deeply instilled in us.
Despite the situation we still believe in the ideals, aims, means and methods of the Scouting program.  Those parts of Scouting are indelibly branded on our hearts. We never gave up on Scouting. Perhaps that was the issue all along. We embraced Scouting in every facet of our lives, while others had not and may only be involved in the program for their own personal gain, whatever they may be.
Through this unfortunately unpleasant experience we have come to realize that there are other things in our communities to be involved in. There are other programs that promote the same goals that we can to devote our time, resources, skills, talents, knowledge and money towards.
We feel it is not our loss that we are no longer involved in Scouting, but rather the loss is with Scouting program that they may not benefit from what we have to offer. It is not a loss that our sons and perhaps grandsons will feel by not being involved in Scouting, but rather the Scouting program who will miss out on the potential and success that our sons could have been to the program.  It is true that the luster of Scouting has dulled for them. It is true that the light of Scouting for our family flickered out, however as that flame was extinguished it has helped us see the many other opportunities that exist. 
Overall, speaking for the family we feel a sense of sympathy for those who have caused this situation to be what it became. We are sad by the short mindedness of it all.  We feel sorry for them that they seem to have lost their moral compass and lost their way. We feel bad for them that they seem to be engaged in a perpetual cycle of doing the same thing over and over again, expecting something different while constantly coming up so short and the whole time scratching their heads asking why.
As for myself, I am Mickey and I want to remind you all;
We should always leave things and more important people better than we found them. Please be good to one another.
Do good things for others who may be in need without expectations that they will ever be able to return the favor. Do this for the satisfaction of helping others.

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