Monday, March 14, 2016

Message from Mickey 3/14/2016

I am still on some Scouting FB pages. I have taken down so much in my life that reminds me of Scouting. I can't yet let go of it all.

There was a question posted on an Eagle Scout page. What has the Eagle Rank done for us outside of Scouting - in life. I wanted to share my response. (For some of you who know me sorry for tge length of it all. You know there us no long story short for me, :-) .

The rank of Eagle has not provided me with anything extra in college, a job or even being given the benifit of the doubt by the National BSA. I don't mention it much. It has been on my resume and in my professional portfolio.

I think it was the learning how to set a goal and work towards it. I learned how to work hard and bo task is meaningless. The experience i took from earning the rank. The concept of learning to be prepared helped me in life as i physically am prepared as well as through education the pursuit of learning has helped me. Working over a decade at a camp for a director who was an army drill Sgt. helped me to learn leadership, how and when to be a follower, personal responsibilty, and discipline. At that camp I learned the love of teaching and as a camp commissioner the art of diplomacy. That assisted me in life. I learned a lot of self reliance in Scouting in general.  I learned how to be a member if a team.

I learned how to plan events. I learned some knowledge and skills in first aide, outdoorsman skills, survival skills, cooking (my wife has always been happy about that) and every now and then knowing the proper knott to tie has come in handy.

I learned to be sensitive to others beliefs and religious practices as I learned about so many other religions of the world. We had international staff at camp from ALL OVER the world. As I was quartered with, ate meals with, and worked shedding sweat and in some cases blood and tears with, I learned that most people around the world are people. For as much as we may seem different we are very much the same. The thought of Wars upset me.

I met folks in Scouting and knew  what true bonding friendship is. I learned so much from Scouting in general and use all of that more than my Eagle rank.

I learned the importance of doing for others and putting others before myself and being of service to my community, something I have vocationally dedicated my life to through my life's work.

I also unfortunately learned through Scouting that there are those who hate and hold grudges. There are folks in Scouting who are cruel, mean, vindictive, scheming and only in the program for their own personal gain both montetarily and to stroke their own ego. I have learned that there are those on high volunteer levels and paid professionals who do not practice the aims and means and  character development they teach. Through Scouting I have learned great happiness and deep sadness, dissapoimtment and discouragement.

That is what Scouting rather than my Eagle rank has done for me. Those life experiences in Scouting good and unfortunately bad is what I use in life on and off the job and with my family.

The rank of Eagle if you earned it what you are not what you have. When I earned the rank of Eagle Scout I was issued a paper rank card and certificate rather than plastic credit cards. I often thought over the years of getting the plastic credit cars but, why to try to get out of  a traffic ticket? To cash in somehow? For me, my eagle rank is never used as a credit card towards employment, college or military rank but it was always a promise to others for others.

The Eagle rank for me was always something to wear inside rather than all over your uniform and wardrobe. Its not a symbol of pride but humility as it says in the Eagle Charge.

I am Mickey - always leave things and more important people better than you found them.

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